it's voting time again at scraps ahoy, goodness didn't I just beg and plead with y'all to vote for me last week?? seems like it.
Ok I must preface this first though, that there are stipulations on "what" style we have to do it in. I like one, the other... not so much... I guess it would be that freestyle thing... I am SO not a freestyle gal! The assignments were a) give your camera to someone else and scrap the photos and don't forget to scrap their journaling/thoughts too. b)Show off your inner artist through illustrations and handwriting. My heart sunk to the floor when I heard that... however, it's a done deal. I'm hoping we can over look the nasty layout and PUL-ease still vote for me??
Ok nuff blabbering, here is the linky:
scraps ahoy Idol Thank you all so very very much! there are only 2 more rounds... eeek the end is near!!
On to other schtuff... I have been busy busy this week! Bree started back to school and that was moderately chaotic and routine disturbing... Ian's napping is still way messed up because Mr. Magoo has decided once again that 5:30 is a great time to wake up!!!! (I am SO getting him back when he's a teenager!). I have a job helping my friend Julie, who is a photographer, update her website which is cool! She is way behind with sessions from August still not online yet, so I can officially wear the title webmaster! lol She's a great friend and mentor! and I can do it from home, how great is that?!
I signed up for an online photography workshop put on by
Barb Uil, who is an incredible photographer! The workshop is called
Memories that Rock, was really cool to read about as I WANT TO BE HER! lmbo... ok maybe just shoot like her! ;) There was a challenge on it to do a "mug" shot, here was my attempt. Crumb face and all!
The teething machine continues... he cut his first eye tooth yesterday, no wonder he has been a miserable lad lately. I swear he has been teething non stop since he was 3 months old.
And I think I shall call it a day, my lovely friends out there in blogger land, I hope you have sweet dreams tonight and I thank you eternally for your help with this crazy little contest! I honestly can't believe I have made it this far, shocked I am! And yet eternally hopeful. Get ready to pick up the pieces though, that layout is baaaaad!
nighty night!