Monday, November 28, 2005

Christmas CD

Have been having fun trying to do some digital layouts for Christmas presseys for the in laws in Australia. I thought about trying to make a page for each month of this year... ends of years are notorious for reflection... but considering they havn't met our kids yet, and I take a zillion photos, this is just so perfect! I really need to get my tail in gear so I can get this mailed though! Time is a passing! I guess in a pinch(since life does seem to ge tin the way of my best laid plans) I could buy them something off ebay and send these as birthday pressey's instead.

Found a great site with free digi kits ( I can't believe she doesn't charge anything! Awesome awesome stuff

I hope Chris' parents enjoy the CD as much as I am enjoying making it!

Monday's Minutes...

Time to get caught up! I love the weekends, but feel like I let everything else go. Friday is all but a distant memory. I went to a Moonlight madness tax free sale at the Burlignton Mall and was able to get myself a new pair of jeans... so excited because they were 4 sizes down from where I started at... Weight Watchers is actually workign this time... let me get the ticker.

I'm in complete shock that I'm actually doing it this time! SO happy! Just want to be healthy so I can play with my kids. And if a new wardrobe is a result at the end, so be it!
Saturday went to a crop with the Scraptivity girls and had soooooo much fun! So nice to get out and have some "me" time. Didn't get that much done, but man was it nice to be out and conversing with adults! What a treat! So much fun to meet online friends IRL! I havn't laughed that much in a long time! (hope we can do it again!)
Had to hurry back home for a birthday dinner at mom and dad's for Bree & Jordan. Dad made Bree a train set and table and she LOVED it! Wanted to take the trains to sleep with her that night! So much for my girly girl! I love it! I was such a tomboy growing up, I'd expect no less of her!

Sunday, dragged my sorry behind out of bed at 10, went to church half an hour late, and stayed for the family Sunday lunch. Brianna had a meltdown over a meatball. That child is going to be the end of me! I dragged her out of the church screaming(yep, I'm not up for mom of the year that's for sure!) She just hates to eat anything other than her 5 basics... Wonder if it's ok for a 4 year old to just eat 2 meals a day?? Because lunch is just not happening lately... she seems to bring her lunch home fully in tact from school more days than not. I'm tired of fighting with her over this.

And I'm still super excited about putting up Christmas decorations! I keep downloading Christmas tunes from kazaa... have do they know it's Christmas playing in the background. Love that song!! Retro 80's music is the best!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

snow tire fun

Ok so I woke up this morning to a winter wonderland! Quite lovely but realized I sort of missed the boat on getting the snow tires on before the first snow. Our mechanic recommended it last season...oops! Ok so I called the dealer where we bought the car... and they want $170 a tire!!! Good grief they're only $70 at Canadian tire, are they made of gold??? So I told her thanks but no thanks... called Canadian Tire, booked solid, called costco, they don't do appointments, and you have to be there before noon and your car may not be ready until 7:30... and no shuttle, not going to work for us... called our regular mechanic, lovely, they'll get the tire guy to call us back this afternoon! I had no idea there was going to be so much drama to get stinking snow tires! Good grief!
I think we should just move somewhere where it doesn't snow!
But then Brianna would miss it... she was so excited to see that it had snowed this morning! Even more excited when I told her she got to wear her new boots that Grandma & Grandpa got her, and her snowpants! You'd have thought I told her she could stay up until midnight! She was super happy! I hope she gets to play outside today... it's not that cold out either.

Ian gave me another rough night, but he's so cute I'll survive. The tooth still hasn't broken through yet, so the tempra and the anbesol continues!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

out out dang tooth

Last night was pretty rough on Ian and I(chris too I think). Ian was up hourly, and sometimes more than that. Poor little fella! A friend in the US is sending me some teething tablets that she swore helped her with her dd, so I pray they come quickly!

Brianna had a new girl in her class today and I asked her what her name was, she told me. Then she added, "mommy she's brown" I never realized what an overwelmingly white community we live in, so much so that Bree would make a comment like that. I told her that God made some of us with brown skin, some with white, some yellow and lots of shades in between. But each of us is very special, no matter what colour our outsides are. She seemed content with that. I hope she didnt' say something rude to the little girl. They apparently had fun together so that was good!

Here is to hoping tonight is a better night!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Oh no teeth!

I was most horrified to discover this morning a tiny little rough spot the colour of white in Ian's mouth!!! Wait, he's only 3 and a half months old!!!! He can't be getting teeth already can he?? I just want to keep him small forever, and it's not happening.
This would explain why he's been a drool monster lately. I bet it will be here with in the next couple of weeks. I hope he doesn't get any ideas about using it though! That was what caused Brianna's nursing days to be numbered! I will not be a chew toy!

Do you have music that you especially associate with Christmas? I do, and it was Nana Mouskouri's Christmas album. My dad would put it on every year when we decorated the Christmas tree and sometimes on Christmas eve. I have looked high and low for this on CD, and never was able to find it. Even tried to download the songs from Kazaa, but could never remember what they were all called. Well guess what I found this morning in Walmart! I'm so excited I have been playing it all morning! I am sooooo in the Christmas spirit now! Which I think is a new all time record for me considering it is only NOvember 22nd! Hope we can do the tree soon! I'm ready to get decorating!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Brianna's bday!

Well today my little girl turned four years old?? How did that happen? Where has the time gone? She has turned from a baby, to a toddler to a school girl!! She is such a good little girl, and loves to help me wtih Ian. I couldnt' ask for a better daughter.

I was helping her get dressed this morning and started to cry, what a sap I am? Just remembering all the joy this date brought us exactly 4 years ago! We told her we could go out for supper to celebrate, and of course she said she wants to go to McDonalds. Well thank goodness McD's has good salads now, the rest of the McDonald's food isn't so good for Weight watchers.

Speaking of WW, I'm so happy with the weight loss I've had so far, as of last Thursday I was down 18.5 pounds! Only 2.5 more to go to reach my first goal, 10% of my original body weight! Yes you do the math... eeek! But it feels good to be shrinking... the healthy way! I'm not sure about what the numbers have in store for me this week... I had some cake on the w/e!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Miracles still happen

This morning we had wonderful news of a close friend. She had to have brain surgery on Wednesday and they have released her already! Praise God! Miracles do still exist today! Her surgery went well, and I hear that her sense of humour is sharp as always! God is so good! Her husband emailed us all the details that she was able to talk to him only about an hour out of recovery, and said here come dumb and dumber(she was referring in "love" to her mom and her dh). I can't wait to see her!

Tomorrow is Brianna's 4th birthday party(her birthday isn't until the 21st though). I think I am more excited for the party than she is. I hope everyone enjoys themselves! I can't believe my baby is turning 4 already! Where has the time gone?
She is at home with me today. I can hear her singing happily to herself away in the basement. I love that she can be so independant now and likes to play with her doll house downstairs. My parents are giving her a gorgeous train set that my dad had made. I know she'll love it! And in a few years Ian will likely get to love it too!
Timg goes on too fast!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The great Candy race

Oh my word we had so much fun last night at church. They outdid themselves that's for sure! For the "hallelujah night" festivities they organized "the great candy race" a la the amazing race. So all the families were in teams and had to race around the building doing tasks, and finding clues and having a great time! Bree, Ian & I kind of ran out of steam early... but oh my goodness it was so much fun! They put a lot of work into it, and I think everyone had a great time! Had some new people from the community come in too so that was even better! I hope to see them again on a Sunday!
Bree was a little lamb(although she called her self a llama)
And Ian was a little Santa, not so original, but hey... here are the photos