Happy mother's day to all the moms and Moms-to-be out there in blogger land!! It's our day to take off and be appreciated!!
My family spoiled me, even after I said not to get me anything since Chris just got me the new camera. First gift, Ian slept through the night... we have been trying every different strategy to get him to sleep... and nothing worked, last night... we did nothing and look he slept!! And I got to sleep in! I havn't slept through the night since I first got pregnant in Nov/04, so yes I consider this the most precious gift!!!
Christopher picked up some scrapbooking items, gardening knee pads and a book... then he dropped the best news... "oh and I don't think you should go back to work in the summer". He has been thinking about this for a while apparently. It has been my hearts desire to stay at home with my kids, especially while they are small... and enjoy them! We're mostly certain we don't plan on having any more children, so this all makes sense. We're not entirely sure how we're going to afford to do it financially, but we're trusting in God to take care of the details.
Walking by faith, not by sight.
I couldn't have asked for a better gift. I keep welling up with tears every time I think about it. This means so much to me, and to our family. I know we're going to have to make sacrifices for this to work, and maybe I can do something in the evenings... but this just feels right. I know we have to be faithful.
best mother's day ever!!