Time to get caught up! I love the weekends, but feel like I let everything else go. Friday is all but a distant memory. I went to a Moonlight madness tax free sale at the Burlignton Mall and was able to get myself a new pair of jeans... so excited because they were 4 sizes down from where I started at... Weight Watchers is actually workign this time... let me get the ticker.
I'm in complete shock that I'm actually doing it this time! SO happy! Just want to be healthy so I can play with my kids. And if a new wardrobe is a result at the end, so be it!
Saturday went to a crop with the Scraptivity girls and had soooooo much fun! So nice to get out and have some "me" time. Didn't get that much done, but man was it nice to be out and conversing with adults! What a treat! So much fun to meet online friends IRL! I havn't laughed that much in a long time! (hope we can do it again!)
Had to hurry back home for a birthday dinner at mom and dad's for Bree & Jordan. Dad made Bree a train set and table and she LOVED it! Wanted to take the trains to sleep with her that night! So much for my girly girl! I love it! I was such a tomboy growing up, I'd expect no less of her!
Sunday, dragged my sorry behind out of bed at 10, went to church half an hour late, and stayed for the family Sunday lunch. Brianna had a meltdown over a meatball. That child is going to be the end of me! I dragged her out of the church screaming(yep, I'm not up for mom of the year that's for sure!) She just hates to eat anything other than her 5 basics... Wonder if it's ok for a 4 year old to just eat 2 meals a day?? Because lunch is just not happening lately... she seems to bring her lunch home fully in tact from school more days than not. I'm tired of fighting with her over this.
And I'm still super excited about putting up Christmas decorations! I keep downloading Christmas tunes from kazaa... have do they know it's Christmas playing in the background. Love that song!! Retro 80's music is the best!