Friday, October 27, 2006

one sock wonder

Ok Ian's latest thing is pulling off his socks... but usually only one, occasionally both. Why??? Ok I will be the first to admit that I hate wearing socks and weather permitting I will not wear them. However the only thing I dislike more than wearing socks is cold feet, hence why I give into the socks for half the year(I live in Canada after all!) Chris generally is a sock guy, so I guess it would only be appropriate that Ian be half into socks, and the other half not so much. Nutsy kid!! In other news, I have been accepted into the Self Employment program that I applied for in the summer, that they told me I had little chance of getting into. I had totally given up hope of getting in. I always believe that everything happens for a reason, even if we don't know what that may be at the time. SO Monday morning I get to start taking business classes for the month of November! I am excited about it and sad to be leaving my kids. I know they'll be fine, it's me I worry about! lol. I love being a mom and being home with them. It's only for a month, I can do it! Although I may need to use daycare for a few days a week after that... we shall see. I have this terrible habit of letting the cart get before the horse... so I will just focus on this next month and think about what comes later, later!

On photog news, going to take photos of my old work mate who is very very pregnant, I hope and pray she stays pregnant until about noon tomorrow so I can get some photos of her! And then soon after the baby !!!! woohoo I can't wait!! Happy weekend all!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

sneak peak for Christy

Here you are my friend; just a couple that have warmed my heart and hope yours too! I still have a bunch to go through, but here is a taste for now!
I can not stop smiling at the first one!!

Tagged... you're it!

Tagged by the lovely and talented Sue; if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged!! Here are my answers, oh and Sue issued a challenge to make them into an all about me page, and I'm going to do it! maybe not all of them at once, but a handful would be great! I havn't scrapped in over a month, perhaps more! I'm horrified and saddened by this! All my free time has been going into biz stuff, although good, I don't want to forget my paper friends in the basement! lol anyway here are my answers, thanks to Sue for the challenge!

1. FIRST NAME? Patricia
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? No, but my middle name is Anne and it was after my aunt of the same name, who had lost a baby shortly before I was born
3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? yesterday when I found out I got into the self employment program, that I didn't think I was going to get accepted into! Now I'm stressed.
4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? It's ok if I try, but usually it's too messy to add to layouts and then I don't like it.
5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE LUNCH MEAT? probably shaved turkey or chicken,
6. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? I am blessed with two!(me too!)
8. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? You're reading it!
9. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? with friends yes,
11. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? no, I hate the feeling of falling, I don't even like jumping off a diving board
12. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? lately I have been wearing crocs or flip flops... no laces, man I'm lazy
13. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? emotionally no, physically yes!
14. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE ICE CREAM FLAVOUR? um yes, all of them! If I had to break it down, I would have to say peanut butter and chocolate
15. SHOE SIZE? Around about a 9
16. RED OR PINK? Depends on what it is, probably red
17. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVOURITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? my teeth, my belly, hot temper
18. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? My grandpa, he died in the mid 80's and I still think about him regularily. He was an incredible man.
19. WHEN AND WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Burlington, ON same hospital I had my kids in!!20. WHAT COLOUR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? pink flanney pj's! bare toes!
22. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? the dishwasher is running( I forgot to turn it on last night), and the kids are watching TLC morning, right now it's Hip Hop Harry!! Good grief!!
24. FAVOURITE SMELL? Fresh bread baking, cookies baking, anything baking(do we see a trend here? likely the culprit behind the belly I dislike!)
25. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED WITH ON THE PHONE? Chris' dad & step mum down unda
27. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? depends on what you consider a special talent
28. FAVOURITE DRINK? coffee & diet coke
29. FAVOURITE SPORT? to watch it's gotta be hockey, to play/participate, I love to swim
30. HAIR COLOUR? brown with grey highlights, really need to get something done about that!31. EYE COLOUR? Bluish
32. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? No, I have never worn contacts
33. FAVOURITE FOOD? sweet; pain au chocolate, savoury pad thai
35. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? probably fraggle rock lol
36. WHAT COLOUR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? pink flanney pj top
37. SUMMER OR WINTER? summer I s'pose
38. HUGS OR KISSES? hugs
39. FAVOURITE DESSERT? chocolate chip shortbread cookies
40. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? no books on the go, that would mean I have free time... and with that I would rather be sleeping
41. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? star wars star fighter anda calculator!
42. FAVOURITE SOUNDS? my family giggling, and silence at night time
45. IF YOU COULD PICK ANY TWO PEOPLE TO HAVE DINNER WITH, WHO WOULD THEY BE? Marilyn & Princess Di, what is it with my thing for dead people?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Yay for no rain!!

I had two outdoor shoots yesterday and it was supposed to rain all day... I was praying in my car, please Lord no rain... guess what?? 2 dry shoots, the sun even came out for a visit for a bit in the first one!! I had so much fun with both families, here are some sneak peaks; The first one was an engagement shoot with this GORGEOUS couple and some family shots too. I took them to village square(quaint little area in B-dot all about the fun & funky restaurants and boutiques, but really I just love the brickwork, and it's pretty dead during the day, watch out at night time because it comes alive!!)
Here are some of my fav's, if you'd like to see them larger, just click on them.

Dave & Jen, thanks so much! I had a blast hanging with you guys!! The kids were such great sports, having to smile and stuff! They did great and the photos are really capturing what I hoped they would, how crazy in love you guys are!! Looking forward to your wedding in February 08!

My second shoot was with Craig & my new friend Christy, and their stinking cute 2 little, yet incredibly fast boys!! I will have photos to post from your session hopefully in the next couple of days! I had so much fun running with the boys and you guys!! Stay tuned! :)

Very happy that the shoot I'm doing today is indoors, as it is raining buckets... it's all good though! Happy Sunday all!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Fun fun and busy busy

hey how did it get to be Tuesday??? wasn't it just Friday??? Seriously time is zooming on by these days.. is it me or do y'all think so???
Saturday I got to get up good and early and drove to Port Hope(doesn't that name just sound dreamy?), about 2 hours away to do family photos for a friend of mine. I met her online, we both had babies in Aug/05 and there are a bunch of other Canadian residing mums who also do, so we chat... we've gotten together a couple of times, and have clicked well. Her family is just adorable, and I had a blast and a half spending time with them!! Here are some of my fav's
You should be able to click on them to make them larger. Also had a ball at Micah's(Heather V's son)bday party. I have some fun pics from that, but I'm out of time for now!!

I have to say thank you to everyone who visited and said all the positive and encouraging words about my web site. I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! :)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hello Houston....

we have a website!

ok guys be kind it's new, it's small it has room to grow, kind of like a comfy sweater... I hope to fill it up with lots of love!! I'm so totally stoked you have no idea! I have some more stuff I need to add, but wanted to finally get it up and going...A lot of the photos I have already shared here, so... but they are favourites... so in they must go!

you guys are the first to know!!

eeep!! :) :) :)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Turkey day!!

I hope everyone has had a great Turkey day and remembered all the things they have to be thankful for!! We had our dinner on Saturday as it was the only day that my brothers & their families could all come together. It was nice to see everyone together!! Of course there were photos!!! (would you expect any less??)
Here are my beautiful neices my brother & his girlfriend who was a great sport to let me just take photos of her!! So much fun!! Hope everyone had a great day!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

October, already

how did that happen??? Time is just flying by... it'll be Christmas before we know it!
I have been a good little worker bee keeping my nose to getting my website up and running. Fixing up the photos I took last week, and trying to get a feel for the Scraps Ahoy site... very big, lots of neat stuff, and an awesome team. I'm so thrilled to be there!! Thank you all so much for your warm congrats on joining the SA DT, you ladies are such good supportive friends!! *HUGS*

I am beginning to look for a new camera... as much as I love the one I have, I am feeling like I'm outgrowing it and would like one with some of the amazing features that are out there. Along with amazing features come amazing price tags however... I think I may go and visit the Henry's store tomorrow evening and just get a feel for my options.

I'm going back to shoot the newborn again this afternoon, Yippee! I'm so excited! Cross your fingers, toes & eyes for me that we can get him asleep so I can take some cute ones! Will definitely post them later!! :)