time for a vacation!
On a happier note, we are going to be going on our first ever family vacation in about a month's time!! Chris & I havn't been ANYWHERE since our honeymoon almost 7 years ago... Chris booked our tickets today and we have a condo rented down in Sanibel Island... yippee! And even cooler our good friends Heather & Jamie and their kidlets are coming too. I think we're going to have a great time! Heather & I just want to hit a target! How funny is that! Well when you don't have them...
I also started spring cleaning on teh weekend and we got rid of 4 bags of clothes just between the 2 of us!! Some of which were too big or just didn't wear anymore! It felt so great to get rid of stuff! I hope to do a lot more of it! Our little house is full up to the roof! (ok so I exagerate a tad).
1 final note, last week I got a copy of designing with greetings... very nice I highly recommend it!
Thanks again for all of the kind words, makes me feel good to know there are such good people out there!