Monday, June 05, 2006

time to train???

I have been reading my book by the baby whisperer lady: "The Baby Whisperer solves all your problems". It's actually a pretty good book, dealing with sleeping issues, eating issues etc. She suggests starting toilet training at 9 months. How insane does that sound?? lol. Her reasoning is that most people wait too long and their children are already very comfortable doing it in their diapers and don't want the change, and on top of that they're already in teh terrible 2's/3's. So she suggests trying it now, and if they go, make a huge fuss and it will grow to be a familiar thing for them, so once they are capable of holding it etc. they'll know what they should do. She said babies usually go pee 15-20 minutes after having a drink, and to watch for their facial expressions/cues for #2. Most babies will go at the same time every day. So. I thought, hey maybe I'd try this and see what happens... crazy book lady... I was feeding Ian breakfast and saw him make his "I gotta go" face... so I quickly hurried up and took him to the toilet(and she said don't bother with the potty, just get the seat that fits directly onto the toilet and a stool, it's one less transition they'll have to make), striped him down and plopped him on the seat. He thought I was nuts, as did I... so I start singing him a song as he is yanking on the toilet paper... and he went!! I praised too late though, I didn't realize he'd done it!! lol. Anyway, I just thought that was the funniest thing, sounds incredibly crazy, and I'm not sure I'll totally follow it, but hey, if it helps get rid of the diapers sooner I'm all for it!!


Blogger Unknown said...

YEAH FOR IAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine how cool it would be to say my one year old is toilet trained. Good Luck P!

9:37 AM, June 05, 2006  
Blogger Heather M. said...

My mom had all 4 of us trained by the time we were 1. No joke - I couldn't believe it when she told me that. She did something similar to the Baby Whisperer (btw, our friends just gave us that book and they swear by it). I seriously want to do the same thing. Why not?!?!? Go Ian!!

3:37 PM, June 05, 2006  
Blogger Marina said...

I had heard about this, and yeah for you for trying. I so didn't have the energy to try this with either child. I was 5 months pregnant when Alexis was 9 months, and when Rylee was 9 months, I was in the middle of training Alexis, never occured to me to try Rylee at the same time, but YEAH for us, she is trained now, and only 2 1/2.

Hope Ian takes to the training and you get rid of the diapers soon!!!

4:19 PM, June 05, 2006  
Blogger Heather said...

If it works then awesome. Just a lot of work for you to do that and sometimes not always possible (with two of them).

11:03 PM, June 15, 2006  

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