Tuesday, December 06, 2005

needles, teeth and food oh my!

Ok I woke up this morning with the boy around 3 am, and he just wouldn't settle. I had a meltdown, I suppose out of my options crying is probably the least harmful. I am a wreck wtihout sleep, at least until I get a cup or pot of coffee into me!!
Both kids had dr's checkups today. Brianna's was her 4 year check up and needle, and Ian's was his 4 month check up and needle. And I thought I was so clever to book them both at the same time to "save a trip" . What was I thinking???

It ended up being not so bad after all. My kids have skin of steel or something because neither of them cried for the needles. Brianna was tipping the scale at an amazing 38 pounds and was 3'5" tall. Ian was 15lb 4oz, and 26.5" long. So yay my kids are growing, that must mean I'm doing something right right? I again mentioned to the dr how Ian isn't a big fan of sleeping and is there anything more we can do? Food I hope and pray is the answer... according to the lactation consultant you're not supposed to start solids(as solid as runny cereal is) until 6 months now... but I'm not sure if that takes into consideration the ravenous 15 pound 4 month old baby. Soooo I'm taking Dr. K's advice and on with the cereal!! He didn't seem to hate it too badly, it all pretty much came back out on the bib, but I'm hoping at least some of it may have been swallowed, we shall see tonight!!! He was pretty excited when I was feeding him, so that's a good start!
OH and yes the second tooth is finally through!! Hooray! I hope the rest can hold off a month or two until he learns how to sleep... I can't handle any more yet!


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh hugs to you Patti. I hope things settle down and you (and Ian) can get some more sleep. Hang in there. Pics are too cute.

9:55 AM, December 08, 2005  
Blogger Kim Sanderson said...

Cute pics, I too hope things settle down, hopefully you can grab a nap or 2 through the day!

4:44 PM, December 08, 2005  

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