Saturday, December 17, 2005

Midnight Madness!

I need to remember how little I like to be awake beyond Midnight these days... Last night I went to a scrapbook store on the Hamilton Mountain for their midnight madness event(everything in the store was on for 40% off between 11-12pm)... so what did I do? I had a nap from 8:45pm until 10:00 and set the alarm to get up and go!! How insane is that?
I am a scrap o holic(or at least I collect/hoard scrapping stuff) and I have a problem! I had to go get a coffee because my body did not want to be awake at that time! Drove to Hamilton and when I got there it was FULL of other insane scrapbookers! Chris and I both got some "mad" money to blow out of his Christmas bonus and so this was where I was spending mine. OH my goodness I got so much fun and neat stuff! and despite the fact that I was in the lineup to check out by 11:30 I was in the line for an hour! They have one cash register and A LOT of people in line a head of me. It was insane! But met some really nice people who agreed the fact that we were all there and in line was nuts but definitely we needed the items we were purchasing! I didn't get home and in bed until 1:00am! And then of course I was so wired I couldn't fall asleep! I was too excited about all the neat stuff I just got. I don't think, I know I have a problem! lol Then of course Ian was up at 2:30am but after feeding him I was able to fall right back to sleep. He was a good boy and let me sleep until 5:30, and Chris got up with them both at 6. I just pulled it all out and showed him all the neat stuff I got, and he was pleased! Man do I ever have the best husband!? He totally supports my habit/addiction and encourages me!
Gosh I love him so much! Now to have a couple more cups of coffee, and clean off my scrapping table to start playing wtih my new stuff! :)


Blogger Heather M. said...

FUN!!!! I LOVE going sb shopping!!!! And I know what you mean about being wired because you're so excited you can't fall asleep!!!! LOL!
Can't wait to see what you create!

11:03 PM, December 17, 2005  
Blogger Kim Sanderson said...

I wish I'd known about this, it would have been worth the drive!!!! to Hamilton for 40 off!!! next time PLEASE PM me!!!

5:02 PM, December 19, 2005  
Blogger Heather said...

Sounds like you had a blast. I would have gone but had a Christmas party to go to. We were there until 11 pm. I so wanted to go. Well have to go shopping some other time.

4:24 PM, December 20, 2005  

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