my baby is growing up....
ok so he's nearly 11 months old, and I don't know why but I'm really getting sad about him turning one... just typing it out is making me well up with tears. That saying of time flying, couldn't be more true for your baby's first year of life! Passed in a blink of an eye. And a lot of it was not fun(mucos colicos!!) Probably because he is our last(although this isn't set in stone, we'll see how we feel in a couple of years)... A bunch of my online friends who also has babes in August last year are planning their first bday party... I'm just in denial. Is this normal? I don't remember it being so hard with Brianna.
I had fun looking/crying over his first year photos, so I made a year at a glance a photo from the day he was born up to 11 months.
I had fun looking/crying over his first year photos, so I made a year at a glance a photo from the day he was born up to 11 months.
Oh and I have to quit my job this week... I think I'm going to puke I'm so nervous. I know it's the right thing to do but it's a HUGE leap of faith and I am so scared. I only have 2 more weeks of mat leave left, then.... nada. I know God will provide, how? that's up to Him... in the mean time I need to get my butt busy learning. My brain feels like it's about to explode from all the info I'm pouring into it. But it's cool stuff though, which makes it fun to learn.
sorry what a rambling post today... guess I'm just feeling rather reflective. Hope you have a great hump day!
Look at the shots of your little guy throughout the year. Wow, he's really grown. You've got a little heartbreaker on your hands there girlie!
Good luck with your new venture! I know you'll do a stand up job.
Huge hugs
Oh wow, he has grown and changed so much! I love those blue eyes!!!!! I remember when you were pregnant with him and now he's almost a year old!
God will totally provide for you, Patti - in ways you never dreamed or imagined! Hugs!
Patti, keep the faith, everything will work out, you are a beautiful person with a beautiful family, all will be well!!!
Adorable year in review, Patti! He's so darn cute! I know you're sad to see him grow up, but just remember that each age is a new discovery, for both of you!
Big hugs for you on having to quit your job! Everyone's right, God will provide for you - just have faith! This is a wonderful opportunity for you - I know you'll succeed!!
God will provide. Just put that on your computer and read it everyday.
I love the year in review. I just was doing some pics for Kendra too for a layout. Just never got to finishing it yet.
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