Monday, January 30, 2006

My most favourite job ever

is yep you guessed it being a mom! Definitely the most challenging, and most rewarding. Sometimes both on the same day, ok who am I kidding, usually both on the same day! Brianna is my tenderhearted girly girl. I just can't stop giggling some times at the things that come out of her mouth. Tonight(she has a slight head cold) she came up to me and told me her eye was wet. Today at school, I got to have a parent observation and the teacher was asking for a description of one of the little girls shoes. Brianna put up her hand and said, they're all "hearty" (had hearts on them, they're hearty duh!). I got to look through her journal while I was at her school. It was so amazing to see her progress in her handwriting and her drawing since only September. There were lots of drawings of the four of us, and that just warmed my heart... more than I can express. When she wakes up in the morning, she groans in the hallway until one of us wakes up enough to tell her to come in, and she is instantly the happiest girl ever, comes in and tells us she had a big sleep last night and wonderful dreams. How can you not smile to that? Lately we have asked her if she would like to pray before supper for us, and she has taken this on has her new role! A snippet from tonights: "Dear God, thank you for this food, let us eat it nice and healthy, and keep us healthy and strong and proud, and not use grumpy voices, only happy voices and make lots of friends. Oh and bless it to our bodies Amen. I think she sums it up nicely!
And my little man, so far, isn't doing anything half way, he is teething, again... working on cutting through 3 top ones this time. Bad timing on my part as we started squash last week and either the teeth or the food or both caused a nasty rash on his little bum. But even though he's just little(almost 6 months, oh where has the time gone?) I know he loves me. When he wakes up from a nap, and I go into get him, and I talk to him, his head springs up(he sleeps on his tummy) and his feet just start kicking like crazy and he flashes me a gummy grin(soon is going to be replaced by a toothy one). Makes all the not so great times worthwhile. I scoop him up and just squeeze him.
Man, I love being a mom.


Blogger Heather M. said...

Seriously, you are making me want kids!!!!! They are so sweet! I love Brianna's heartfelt, childlike faith! So, so cool! Thanks for sharing, Patti!

11:07 PM, January 30, 2006  
Blogger Kim Sanderson said...

I did my 1st CJ topic on this"Motherhood... the only job I've ever loved!!!" can't wait to get it back!!

11:14 AM, January 31, 2006  
Blogger Heather said...

Oh so cute! Awesome that she is learning to pray and adds in her own stuff. Micah sticks to what he knows.

Oh my more teeth. I'm waiting for more any day with Kendra but none.

10:35 PM, January 31, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

Patti what a great blog entry! I love you dd's prayer! It made me smile during a long day at work.

3:23 PM, February 01, 2006  

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