Thursday, January 12, 2006

catching up

Ok I'm in total withdrawl for missing a day!!
Today was weigh in day and I"m down a pound... could be better, but of course could be so much worse. Had some bad food on the weekend... just was hoping to be down more since I worked my butt off at diaperfit this week. Yesterday we went again, and I couldn't believe it, but Ian actually fell asleep!!! There were at least 15 moms and babies there and it was loud, and the music was blasting and there he was sound asleep floating in the little yellow ducky!! So now I know where I've gone wrong all these months with his sleeping issues, the boy needs a waterbed!! If only it wasn't dangerous, I may consider it! He's actually been doing much better at night time since I turned up the heat a bit, maybe he was just cold?

Brianna just drew me the most adorable picture, so Ithought I'd add it. I'm so impressed with how well her drawing is coming from pure scribbles just a few months ago... her people are actually looking like people. We are a family of smiley faces on sticks!! Too cute! To only see the world through a child's eyes!


Blogger Kim Sanderson said...

What a sweet picture!!! and congrats on the LB>!!! I guess I should start watching the scale too!!!

8:05 PM, January 12, 2006  
Blogger Heather M. said...

Awwww, that is such a CUTE, CUTE picture!!!!
And a waterbed? Now there is an idea! LOL!
Keep up the hard work, Patti!

10:57 PM, January 12, 2006  
Blogger Heather said...

AHHH! Love that drawing. I try to get Micah to draw people but he just isn't interested yet!!

LOL! on the waterbed.

Congrats 1 lbs down is better than up.

9:21 PM, January 13, 2006  

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