So it's less than a week before Christmas, and I have lost my fa la la la... So strange, I'm feeling pretty blah. I have the tree, the lights, some decorations that Ian hasn't destroyed... It's so strange being a work at home mom. For years working in Long term care, there was such a huge emphasis on Christmas and decorating and all that good stuff. I organized heaps of parties and attended them too! It was fun, I loved it!! And in a small strange way I miss it. I miss having co-workers to giggle, chat and solve all the worlds problems.
It's all good and I'll be fine, it's just another bump in the road called life. I miss my friends who are all very busy with their holiday preparation. My beloved life long friend Gayle has been away in Cornwall for the past 6 weeks re-training to go and work in the tower at Pearson airport in Toronto. She has been an Air traffic controller on radar for the past 6 years, but was tired of working underground. I'm so proud of her for going for her dream and working to get to the spot where she'll be happier. She's been studying like a fiend as they have to score I think a 95%(really would we want an ATC who only got 50%?nope!). She called me on Friday to tell me that she passed! wooohoo! I hope I can see her over the holidays.
I think it's common to especially miss friends and loved ones over the holidays. My hugs and prayers go out to all who are missing special loved ones this time of the year.
And just to end on a happy note, I'm going to share a silly moment with Gayle ... on the way to the church when I was getting married, we went through the McDonalds drive through!!! we were STARVING, and I thought I was going to be sick... so of course logically McDonalds solves all your problems! Shockingly enough it did!! And the drive through lady called over all the Mickyd employees to have a look at us all dressed up! lol.
If you have a silly moment you'd like to share about someone you're missing, please share! I'd love to hear it!